In the last guide, we built out our initial CurrentUserContext. Whenever you're using a context or the context API in React, you're also always going to be build what is called a provider.
Great job in going through that last guide. That is getting into some pretty advanced concepts and so as you're going through and you're learning it, you're going to be able to apply these types of techniques into quite a few of your applications.
This is going to be a relatively straightforward guide that's going to be pretty quick.
In this guide, we're going to walk through how to fix a subtle bug that you may or may not have noticed as you built out this authentication system.
Great job in making it through that authentication section. This is the longest section of the entire course and you learned a lot about the fundamentals of React, especially as they relate to authentication which is a feature you're probably going to have to build into any application that you develop over the years.
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