Authentication in React Native

Not CompletedCreating the Authentication Screen

I'm really happy with how our application is coming along. I like our design, I think you're learning a lot along the way on how to build React Native mobile applications.

Not CompletedUsing React Hooks to Dynamically Render Content

In this guide, we're gonna see how we can start making our form dynamic.

Not CompletedReact Native TextInput Component Overview

Now that we have our initial authentication screen, it's time to start learning how we can work with forms inside React Native.

Not CompletedReact Native Text Input Styles and Props

Now that our TextInput component is functional and we can set and retrieve the value, let's start to add some styles and we're actually gonna start adding some styles to this entire screen and it's gonna start to look a lot more like a form by the end of this video, so let's get started.

Not CompletedHow to Implement a Secured Password Text Input in React Native

Now that we've walked through how we can create our first text element which is our first form element for our email, now we can get into how we can use the password field and there're gonna be a few small changes that we're going to do in order to get this up and running.

Not CompletedCreating Dedicated Stylesheets for Authentication Components

Now that we have our two inputs implemented correctly, so we have a password field and we have an email field, now it's time for us to perform a small refactor.

Not CompletedInstalling Axios and Expo Secure Store in React Native

This is gonna be a pretty short guide because we are simply going to install a couple packages that we're going to start using over the next few videos.

Not CompletedDevCamp Space Signup for React Native Projects

In this guide, we're gonna see how we can manage our data as we go through this project.

Not CompletedImplementing JWT Authentication in React Native

Now that we have some sample data, we're going to extend the functionality of our application so that it has the ability to communicate with the outside world. It's going to make outside API calls and then it's going to give us the ability to see if a user is who they say they are.

Not CompletedUpgrading Expo Dependencies

Before we continue to build out the rest of our authentication system, I wanna take a quick aside in this guide and show you how to fix some warnings that you might see as you're building out your applications.

Not CompletedCreating an API Utility Helper Function in React Native

In this guide, we're gonna build what is called a API utility helper function.

Not CompletedRedirecting Users to the Feed Screen After Sign In

I really like how our authentication system is coming along. It has the right type of logic and you're learning a lot along the way.

Not CompletedUpgrading the Expo CLI and Npm from the Terminal

In this guide, I wanna walk you through how you can upgrade the Expo CLI Node package.

Not CompletedCreating a Custom Button Component with the Props Spread Process

I'm really excited about this guide and I want to warn you this one is going to be a little bit longer but it is for a very good reason.

Not CompletedFinalizing Auth Screen Styles

In this guide, we're going to walk through how we can now apply that status bar height to our header styles.

Not CompletedCreating the Registration Process in React Native

This is going to be a really fun guide. In this lesson, we're going to see how we can extend the functionality of our registration system, so we can actually create users.

Not CompletedBuilding an Error Formatting Utility Library

Now that we have our registration process working properly, now let's see how we can add some more helpful error handling into our application.

Not CompletedReact Native ScrollView Component Overview

Since that last guide was pretty advanced, it was challenging and it took a while, I wanted to give you a little bit of a break in this guide.

Not CompletedCreating a Current User Context in React Native

So far in this section, we've been building out our authentication system, we've created a form that has the ability to be a login form and a registration form. We've added styles and we walk through a number of features of React Native and Expo to see how we can build out that functionality, including being able to redirect users when they have successfully logged in or they've registered.

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