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In this section, we're gonna start building out the feed screen. In this guide, we're simply gonna add some sample data to our application. So if you go to "DevCamp Space" now, and click on the "MemiPedia" component
Devcamp Space
Come down you'll see that you now have a new block and it's called "posts".
Memipedia: Posts
Click on view data there and there's a sample post already there even before you've added anything. It won't actually show up so you still need to add some more data. So here I could say something like demo programming meme, something like that and you can put any kind of content in you want, and then from there, you have to upload in image so click on an image. I have a JS programming meme that I created, or that I found and I just hit plus.
Adding a new Post
Then it gets added right here, when you refresh you'll see that only the data that you've actually added is gonna be there in place.
Memipedia: Posts
So, I want you to go through that and add maybe five or six of those. I'm gonna do the same thing off the air and then in the next guide, we're going to be able to start calling this directly from our application.