The Mobile Application We're Going to Build
Welcome to this course on react native where you're gonna be able to learn how you can use tools like react to create immersive mobile applications.
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Now in this guide I'm gonna walk through the application that we're gonna build and also to give you a short introduction to the technologies that we're gonna use in this course. So right here I have the final application, I've actually filmed this video after I filmed the entire course. So what you're seeing here is exactly what we're going to be building throughout the material.

Starting with authentication. You're gonna learn how to build a login and a registration screen that is completely dynamic so that users can create accounts or they can log in to preexisting accounts. I'll show you right now what that will look like, after logging in, you'll see that with the application itself is gonna be kind of like a Wikipedia for memes.


I thought that'd be a fun way of incorporating all kinds of different skills that you'll learn along the way. So it gives the users the ability to see a feed of memes to be able to see details. So if I were to click on one of these, I could scroll through, pick out what I wanna see, click on it and I can see the content, I can see the name and then any description that the user wrote.


We're also gonna build out a full search engine. So right up here we can type out, anything we wanna search for and the users are gonna be able to have the ability to find a different post and look for topics and anything like that that you'd expect from a search engine.


Next we're gonna see how to work with forms and not just work with forms. We're gonna learn how to style them, how we're gonna be able to take data, wrap it up in a way including images, and then send that to an API to create records. So you're gonna be able to add names, content, and you're also gonna be able to work with the device specific APIs such as being able to get permissions from users to access things like the camera roll, like you can see right here,


and then you're gonna see how you can use the images, work with them and then wrap all of that up in a way that users will be able to understand.

You'll also learn how to work with asynchronous behavior. Whenever you're working with APIs, you have to let the users know when different behavior is occurring.

So if I click submit right here, you can see that it's submitting that to the user and you can see that our new post is created.


You'll also learn how to build some very cool features such as a pull to refresh feature.


That's gonna be one of the last things that we build out and you can see that you can pull to refresh to get the latest posts that were created. And then lastly, you're gotta be able to finalize working with authentication by being able to sign the user and not just in but also out.

So some of the technologies we're gonna be working with in this course is you're gonna be working with a outside API that is built with DevCamp Space. So you're gonna have all of these different API endpoints that you're gonna communicate with. You're gonna be able to work with users and posts and be able to manage that data, be able to send and receive data and then you're also going to be able to start working with the expo framework.

This is a very powerful wrapper around react native that allows us to connect into those device specific APIs such as permissions and tokens and images. And you're gonna learn going through examples, but also because I'm going to walk you through how to read the documentation. A big part of my goal in this course is not just to teach you how to build this single application, but to start training you as a developer, how you can research and then build any type of feature that you're ever asked to build. And then lastly, we're gonna be using react native.

So everything in this course is gonna be built around react and react native. React native gives us the ability to access different parts of the device, whether it's accessing presses and taps, or it might be accessing and giving the ability to render text or headings or any of the things needed in order to create an application. So now that you've seen the application we're gonna build and you have a high level introduction to the technologies we're gonna use, let's get started.
